LazyPurple's TDM Server

Welcome to LazyPurple's TDM Server, the Team Deathmatch LazyPurple server!

This is a combative, objectiveless server. It is a server made for engaging in deathmatch without the worry of completing an objective. Random Critical Hits are on, Random Bullet Spread is off, and there are no Class Limits. A map will last for 35 minutes, then the next map will voted for in the last few minutes of the map timer. Type /nominate in chat to suggest the next map!

On LazyPurple's TDM Server, a carefree deathmatch setting is the goal! The aim is to engage in deathmatch while having a good time, and our server-specific plugins reflect that. We have plugins such as Roll the Dice (/rtd), Wheel of Fuckery (/fuck), Self Random Crits Toggle (/togglecrits) and Self Rainbow Outline (/rainbowme) for this reason, so try them out by typing the respective command in chat!

Do NOT abuse votekick! Votekick is NOT for resolving petty disputes or getting revenge.
Votekick is only enabled when no Staff are present and is only to be used
if someone is being disruptive to the game or is violating server rules.

Please take a moment to read the rules.

Administrators will have purple names.
Moderators will have yellow names.
Donators will have green names.
Discord Server Donate Steam Group

Have fun!